Jeremy Huylebroeck

Data Platform and Infrastructure Lead

Jeremy Huylebroeck on

Jeremy spent the first years of his career tinkering with open-source software, open infrastructure, and web technologies that were new at the time. He earned a master’s degree in telecommunication, computer science, and signal processing from L’Institut Supérieur d’Électronique et du Numérique in France and spent the following years mastering the cutting-edge technologies coming from Silicon Valley while building prototypes and business development relationships for the large telco Orange.

There has been a revolution in the last 20 years in how IT services are run and consumed. Jeremy’s broad understanding of those technologies was essential in translating them into actual value-added business applications for stakeholders at all levels. His work gave him first-hand experience with the entire technical stack; cable and air signals; the data center design; network layouts; cloud infrastructure; and application development and design. As the Data Platform and Infrastructure Lead at MicroByre his experience is directly leveraged to build the underlying platform supporting the science and enabling the data science.

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